Sunday, June 15, 2014

WHAT IF....Your Own Thoughts Were a Drug Addiction?

What If...
Your Own Thoughts Were a Drug Addiction?
By Tiffany Walker

What if all the negative thoughts instilled in you as a child, the "you're not good enough," "you're not pretty enough," "you're not smart enough"--ALL the "enough" phrases there could possibly be, which then have other phrases that tag on--what if all those phrases are really like drugs to the broken person.  A silent drug.  An eight ball of hurt to yourself.  

A drug addiction that is unstoppable on certain levels because your brain decides to "Chase the Dragon" automatically at the whim of being given a compliment, or the onset of a career challenge, or a person yelling at you.  Your mind whispers to you thoughts of your inadequacies over and over again.  You can attempt to thwart the addiction by religion, or spirituality, or self-help books and affirmations, or therapists, but the mind has a mind of its own.

In fact, what is the intervention of the mind?  The mind can't be removed like someone on drugs could have the drug source removed.  I guess you could go on some sort of drug to alter the way the mind is ticking along, but when you are talking about one's own value of themselves, not a manic-depression or classic depression situation, is there really a drug for that?  What really is the cure for someone not liking themselves and enabling them to not believe what was so embedded in them in their childhood? 

Are there words or some something that can bridge the mind's gap of love for itself?  Will this kind of addiction be the death of you?  

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